I am working on a project where I need to be able to quickly tell if changes in data contained in a row have occurred. After playing around with HASHBYTES unsatisfactorily, I did some searches and came across this post: http://sqlserverplanet.com/data-warehouse/detecting-row-level-changes
This appears to be a decent method of discovering changes without the overhead of doing a full byte by byte compare.
VS2012 BI Installer error - Rule "Same architecture installation" failed.
I was trying to upgrade my Visual Studio 2012 to allow editing Business Intelligence projects by installing SQL Server Data Tools (thread on that topic), so I downloaded this installer for the SQL Server Data Tools and chose an existing SQL Server 2012 instance to install to, then I got this error 'Rule "Same architecture installation" failed.'
After some searching it appears that you need to choose to perform a "new installation".
Here are the links where I found this information:
After some searching it appears that you need to choose to perform a "new installation".
Here are the links where I found this information:
32 bit,
64 bit,
Business Intelligence,
SQL Server,
SQL Server 2012,
List Tables from ODBC
I was wanting to see the available catalogs on a linked server, but the catalogs branch was empty, so I thought I would try finding a query that would show them.
I'd done this before with TSQL on SQL Server:
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
But I had never done it for an ODBC linked server (this one happens to be Oracle)
After some conversations and searching I came up with this:
and for permissions:
If you are also using a Linked Server you will need to use the OPENQUERY function
You may even need to build the text and run it using sp_executesql:
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(max) = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([Linked Server Name], ''SELECT * FROM USER_TAB_PRIVS;'')'
PRINT @Query
exec sp_executesql @Query;
I'd done this before with TSQL on SQL Server:
SELECT * FROM sys.objects
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
But I had never done it for an ODBC linked server (this one happens to be Oracle)
After some conversations and searching I came up with this:
and for permissions:
If you are also using a Linked Server you will need to use the OPENQUERY function
You may even need to build the text and run it using sp_executesql:
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(max) = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([Linked Server Name], ''SELECT * FROM USER_TAB_PRIVS;'')'
PRINT @Query
exec sp_executesql @Query;
Linked Server,
list tables,
SQL Server,
TSQL Temp Tables # vs ##
Using the # prefix for a temporary table creates that table in the tempdb. The ## prefix does the same, but makes it global, so you can access it from other procedures.
Both will persist and need to be dropped to free up memory and disk space.
More here.
Both will persist and need to be dropped to free up memory and disk space.
More here.
Automate backup file maintenance with Python
I automated my disk backups, but I kept having to delete the extra backup files manually so I wouldn't run out of space. I decided I needed to automate that task as well.
Add the following Python script to a task so it will run automatically.
Python script:
import os
import datetime
import fnmatch
dir_to_search = "[full path to backup directory]"
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_to_search):
intCountOfTotalBackups = len(fnmatch.filter(filenames, '[Backup name, same as the Macrium XML file]*-00-00.mrimg'))
print "Total Backups: " + str(intCountOfTotalBackups)
intCountOfBackupsToDelete = 0
for file in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '[Backup name, same as the Macrium XML file]*-00-00.mrimg'):
curpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
file_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(curpath))
#keep a weeks worth of backups
if datetime.datetime.now() - file_modified > datetime.timedelta(hours=168):
intCountOfBackupsToDelete += 1
print intCountOfBackupsToDelete
#always keep at least a few backups, even if they are old.
if intCountOfBackupsToDelete < (intCountOfTotalBackups - 4):
print str(intCountOfBackupsToDelete) + ' < ' + str(intCountOfTotalBackups - 4)
for file in fnmatch.filter(filenames, 'Atom_Nightly*-00-00.mrimg'):
curpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
file_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(curpath))
if datetime.datetime.now() - file_modified > datetime.timedelta(hours=168):
print "remove " + curpath
#input("Press Enter to continue...")
Add the following Python script to a task so it will run automatically.
Python script:
import os
import datetime
import fnmatch
dir_to_search = "[full path to backup directory]"
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_to_search):
intCountOfTotalBackups = len(fnmatch.filter(filenames, '[Backup name, same as the Macrium XML file]*-00-00.mrimg'))
print "Total Backups: " + str(intCountOfTotalBackups)
intCountOfBackupsToDelete = 0
for file in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '[Backup name, same as the Macrium XML file]*-00-00.mrimg'):
curpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
file_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(curpath))
#keep a weeks worth of backups
if datetime.datetime.now() - file_modified > datetime.timedelta(hours=168):
intCountOfBackupsToDelete += 1
print intCountOfBackupsToDelete
#always keep at least a few backups, even if they are old.
if intCountOfBackupsToDelete < (intCountOfTotalBackups - 4):
print str(intCountOfBackupsToDelete) + ' < ' + str(intCountOfTotalBackups - 4)
for file in fnmatch.filter(filenames, 'Atom_Nightly*-00-00.mrimg'):
curpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
file_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(curpath))
if datetime.datetime.now() - file_modified > datetime.timedelta(hours=168):
print "remove " + curpath
#input("Press Enter to continue...")
Macrium Reflect,
Automate disk backups with Macrium Reflect (free)
I've had really good luck with Macrium Reflect Free. It is a free disk imaging program, and has most of the features of the major corporate players, but there is a free version.
With a little looking around I figured out how to automate backups with the Windows Task Scheduler.
You have to run an initial backup, and save it so you can run it again later, it saves as an XML file.
Now you just have Task Scheduler run a batch file containing the following:
call "C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\Reflect.exe" -e -w "[path to Macrium saved backup document]\[backup name].xml"
This will run the backup on whatever schedule you have set.
With a little looking around I figured out how to automate backups with the Windows Task Scheduler.
You have to run an initial backup, and save it so you can run it again later, it saves as an XML file.
Now you just have Task Scheduler run a batch file containing the following:
call "C:\Program Files\Macrium\Reflect\Reflect.exe" -e -w "[path to Macrium saved backup document]\[backup name].xml"
This will run the backup on whatever schedule you have set.
Macrium Reflect,
Task Scheduler
Create a Podcast RSS XML feed file from a directory using Python
So I had a bunch of items in folders that I wanted to access from my phone without having to store on it, also I wanted to use a podcasting program (Downcast for iOS) so I wouldn't have to keep track to which ones I had listened to already. This is really useful for shows that post a single episode to their feed for a limited time, then remove it. This was a great opportunity to learn how to create an RSS feed.
I wanted something that I would be able to port to virtually any host machine, so I decided to use Python to create the RSS feed. Using Python to create the RSS feed makes it so I can easily modify and run the process without having to run builds and update other files. For ease of running it I actually use the task scheduler to kick off a batch file which calls the Python RSS XML generator.
I have a little Netbook that I use for a home server, it's nice and low power but does most things I need. I have setup XAMPP as a web host so I can access the RSS feed and audio files. I have gPodder download the episodes locally then every night I use Windows Task Scheduler to run a batch file that runs a Python script to build the RSS XML files. Then in the morning Downcast checks for updates and all the new episodes show up, ready to play.
gPodder is really neat because it will also download Youtube video, so I include video podcasts for some of my favorite Youtube channels, this way I can have it download locally so I don't burn through tons of cell data if I want to watch it while I'm out and about.
Anyway, here is the batch file:
[path to Python script]\createRSSFeed.py "[path to directory containing files (mp3,mp4)]" "[path to outputfile]\[output file name].xml" "[Feed Name]" "[Feed Description]" "[path to gPodder download directory]" "[relative web path]" true[use file timestamp]
And here is the Python script (adapted from stuffaboutcode.com):
# update environment to handle Unicode
# import libraries
import os
import os.path
import sys
import datetime
import time
import re
import fnmatch
import urllib2
# import constants from stat library
from stat import * # ST_SIZE ST_MTIME
# import ID3 tag reader
######from mutagen.id3 import ID3, ID3TimeStamp, TDRC
from time import strptime, strftime
# format date method
def formatDate(dt):
return dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
# get the item/@type based on file extension
def getItemType(fileExtension):
if fileExtension == "aac" or fileExtension == "mp3" or fileExtension == "m4a":
mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
elif fileExtension == "mp4" or fileExtension == "avi":
mediaType = "video/mpeg"
mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
return mediaType
# constants
# the podcast name
rssTitle = sys.argv[3]
# the podcast description
rssDescription = sys.argv[4]
# the url where the podcast items will be hosted
rssSiteURL = "http://[domain address]"
# the url of the folder where the items will be stored
strURL1 = sys.argv[1].replace(sys.argv[5],sys.argv[6]).replace("\\","/")
rssItemURL = rssSiteURL + urllib2.quote(strURL1.encode("utf8"))
# the url to the podcast html file
rssLink = rssSiteURL #+ ""
# url to the podcast image
strURL2 = strURL1 + "/folder.jpg"
rssImageUrl = rssSiteURL + urllib2.quote(strURL2.encode("utf8"))
# the time to live (in minutes)
rssTtl = "60"
# contact details of the web master
rssWebMaster = "[email address]"
#record datetime started
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# command line options
# - python createRSFeed.py /path/to/podcast/files /path/to/output/rss/gPodder.xml
# directory passed in
rootdir = sys.argv[1]
# output RSS filename
outputFilename = sys.argv[2]
# Main program
# open rss file
outputFile = open(outputFilename, "w")
# write rss header
outputFile.write("" + rssTitle + " \n")
outputFile.write("" + rssDescription + " \n")
outputFile.write("" + rssLink + "\n")
outputFile.write("" + rssTtl + " \n")
" + rssImageUrl + " " + rssTitle + " " + rssLink + "\n")
outputFile.write("CC 2014 \n")
outputFile.write("" + formatDate(now) + " \n")
outputFile.write("" + formatDate(now) + " \n")
outputFile.write("" + rssWebMaster + " \n")
# walk through all files and subfolders
includes = ['*.mp3','*.mp4','*.m4a']
includes = r'|'.join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in includes])
for path, subFolders, files in os.walk(rootdir):
# exclude/include files
files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in files]
#files = [f for f in files if not re.match(excludes, f)]
files = [f for f in files if re.match(includes, f)]
files.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(os.path.join(path, x)).st_ctime)
for file in files:
#if fnmatch.fnmatch(path,includes):
# split the file based on "." we use the first part as the title and the extension to work out the media type
fileNameBits = file.split(".")
# get the full path of the file
fullPath = os.path.join(path, file)
# get the stats for the file
fileStat = os.stat(fullPath)
# find the path relative to the starting folder, e.g. /subFolder/file
relativePath = fullPath[len(rootdir):]
relativePath = relativePath.replace(sys.argv[5],sys.argv[6]).replace("\\","/")
relativePath = urllib2.quote(relativePath.encode("utf8"))
# Extract ID3 info
# audio = ID3(fullPath)
# fileTitle = audio["TIT2"].text[0]
# datePos = fileTitle.find(":")
# fileDate = fileTitle[(datePos+2):]
# fileDate = time.strptime(fileDate, "%B %d, %Y")
#correct date format in the file's ID3 tag
# fileTS = ID3TimeStamp(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", fileDate))
# audio['TDRC'] = TDRC(0, [fileTS])
# fileDesc = audio["COMM::'eng'"].text[0]
# fileDesc = fileDesc.encode('ascii', 'ignore') #converts everything to ASCII prior to writing out
# audio.save()
# write rss item
outputFile.write("- \n")
outputFile.write("" + fileNameBits[0].replace(sys.argv[1]+ "\\","").replace("_", " ").replace("'","'") + " \n")
#outputFile.write("A description \n")
#outputFile.write("" + fileDesc + " \n")
outputFile.write("" + rssItemURL + relativePath + "\n")
outputFile.write("" + rssItemURL + relativePath + " \n")
if sys.argv[7] == "true":
outputFile.write("" + formatDate(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(fileStat[ST_MTIME])) + " \n")
else: outputFile.write("" + formatDate(now) + " \n")
# write rss footer
print "complete"
I wanted something that I would be able to port to virtually any host machine, so I decided to use Python to create the RSS feed. Using Python to create the RSS feed makes it so I can easily modify and run the process without having to run builds and update other files. For ease of running it I actually use the task scheduler to kick off a batch file which calls the Python RSS XML generator.
I have a little Netbook that I use for a home server, it's nice and low power but does most things I need. I have setup XAMPP as a web host so I can access the RSS feed and audio files. I have gPodder download the episodes locally then every night I use Windows Task Scheduler to run a batch file that runs a Python script to build the RSS XML files. Then in the morning Downcast checks for updates and all the new episodes show up, ready to play.
gPodder is really neat because it will also download Youtube video, so I include video podcasts for some of my favorite Youtube channels, this way I can have it download locally so I don't burn through tons of cell data if I want to watch it while I'm out and about.
Anyway, here is the batch file:
[path to Python script]\createRSSFeed.py "[path to directory containing files (mp3,mp4)]" "[path to outputfile]\[output file name].xml" "[Feed Name]" "[Feed Description]" "[path to gPodder download directory]" "[relative web path]" true[use file timestamp]
And here is the Python script (adapted from stuffaboutcode.com):
# update environment to handle Unicode
# import libraries
import os
import os.path
import sys
import datetime
import time
import re
import fnmatch
import urllib2
# import constants from stat library
from stat import * # ST_SIZE ST_MTIME
# import ID3 tag reader
######from mutagen.id3 import ID3, ID3TimeStamp, TDRC
from time import strptime, strftime
# format date method
def formatDate(dt):
return dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
# get the item/@type based on file extension
def getItemType(fileExtension):
if fileExtension == "aac" or fileExtension == "mp3" or fileExtension == "m4a":
mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
elif fileExtension == "mp4" or fileExtension == "avi":
mediaType = "video/mpeg"
mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
return mediaType
# constants
# the podcast name
rssTitle = sys.argv[3]
# the podcast description
rssDescription = sys.argv[4]
# the url where the podcast items will be hosted
rssSiteURL = "http://[domain address]"
# the url of the folder where the items will be stored
strURL1 = sys.argv[1].replace(sys.argv[5],sys.argv[6]).replace("\\","/")
rssItemURL = rssSiteURL + urllib2.quote(strURL1.encode("utf8"))
# the url to the podcast html file
rssLink = rssSiteURL #+ ""
# url to the podcast image
strURL2 = strURL1 + "/folder.jpg"
rssImageUrl = rssSiteURL + urllib2.quote(strURL2.encode("utf8"))
# the time to live (in minutes)
rssTtl = "60"
# contact details of the web master
rssWebMaster = "[email address]"
#record datetime started
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# command line options
# - python createRSFeed.py /path/to/podcast/files /path/to/output/rss/gPodder.xml
# directory passed in
rootdir = sys.argv[1]
# output RSS filename
outputFilename = sys.argv[2]
# Main program
# open rss file
outputFile = open(outputFilename, "w")
# write rss header
outputFile.write("" + rssLink + "\n")
# walk through all files and subfolders
includes = ['*.mp3','*.mp4','*.m4a']
includes = r'|'.join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in includes])
for path, subFolders, files in os.walk(rootdir):
# exclude/include files
files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in files]
#files = [f for f in files if not re.match(excludes, f)]
files = [f for f in files if re.match(includes, f)]
files.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(os.path.join(path, x)).st_ctime)
for file in files:
#if fnmatch.fnmatch(path,includes):
# split the file based on "." we use the first part as the title and the extension to work out the media type
fileNameBits = file.split(".")
# get the full path of the file
fullPath = os.path.join(path, file)
# get the stats for the file
fileStat = os.stat(fullPath)
# find the path relative to the starting folder, e.g. /subFolder/file
relativePath = fullPath[len(rootdir):]
relativePath = relativePath.replace(sys.argv[5],sys.argv[6]).replace("\\","/")
relativePath = urllib2.quote(relativePath.encode("utf8"))
# Extract ID3 info
# audio = ID3(fullPath)
# fileTitle = audio["TIT2"].text[0]
# datePos = fileTitle.find(":")
# fileDate = fileTitle[(datePos+2):]
# fileDate = time.strptime(fileDate, "%B %d, %Y")
#correct date format in the file's ID3 tag
# fileTS = ID3TimeStamp(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", fileDate))
# audio['TDRC'] = TDRC(0, [fileTS])
# fileDesc = audio["COMM::'eng'"].text[0]
# fileDesc = fileDesc.encode('ascii', 'ignore') #converts everything to ASCII prior to writing out
# audio.save()
# write rss item
outputFile.write("" + rssItemURL + relativePath + "\n")
if sys.argv[7] == "true":
else: outputFile.write("
# write rss footer
print "complete"
Record an MP3 stream with VLC
I wanted to archive an audio stream to add to my personal podcast feed, essentially to time-shift the broadcast for when I wanted to listen to it.
You can use VLC to record the stream, I use a Windows Task Scheduler to start a Batch file that starts VLC and records the stream to a file name with the date in the file name.
Batch File:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%%month%%day%
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --demux dump --demuxdump-file "[Path]\[show name]\[show name]_%year%%month%%day%.mp3" "[stream path]"
You can use VLC to record the stream, I use a Windows Task Scheduler to start a Batch file that starts VLC and records the stream to a file name with the date in the file name.
Batch File:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%%month%%day%
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --demux dump --demuxdump-file "[Path]\[show name]\[show name]_%year%%month%%day%.mp3" "[stream path]"
Task Scheduler,
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